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FAIRYTALESGURL @blogspot.com ♥
Monday, December 29, 2008

Too lazy to write any more things good night

Coming to the end of the disney land performance
This is the Disney land anniversary celebration
I forgot which Disneyland character is this
Part of the above Disneyland character
I forgot which Disneyland character this is too
This is part of the Disneyland character -Dumbo
At the entrance of the hunted mansion! ME and my Brother.
The tomb stone of the past people living in the hunted mansion.
the front of the hunted mansion
This is the hunted mansion from side view
A restaurant
Another restaurant
LinkThis is the "castle" of toontown
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I am very sure most of u want to watch Twilight and i am going to rate it [five levels, 5-AWESOME and 1-terrible]. I give it level 3-an average movie and quite entertaining. I mean they choose a not very good-looking actor for Edward Cullen, Edward was suppose to look like some angel-like person and super good-looking but they choose some 100% not good-looking character[my friends agreed with me too]. What was the actor's name again Robert Pattison ??I think i spelled the the name wrongly . Anyway he also took up a role in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire as another character whom is also suppose to be good-looking."BLAH". Maybe was he good looking to the Westerners but he was not good looking to me. Bella was also better at acting then he is.
The actor also said something like only Zac Effron was suited for the role. I thought in my head ,"Zac Effron ? NO NO NO that is like totally even worse! I really dislike that actor cuz he is disgusting and this is also one of my reasons for not liking High School Musical . I also noticed many girls from my school also dislike High School Musical , However sadly a lot of people still like that childish movie High School Musical ! By the way i think Zac Effron is ugly and his mouth is too big [i mean in appearance and in characteristic ...]I mean he spilled on THE pictures sent to him by Vanessa Hudgens ! Oh this is also another reason why i do not like the movie High School Musical cuz The actress Vanessa Hudgens is so slutty .
Let me continue on Twilight before i side track even more. The actress they chose for Rosaline looked too old to give the image that she was an 18-year-old-girl in the film but was QUITE pretty but the book described her like as if she a Goddess of Beauty. She played a small role though so i didn't saw her acting much but she acted pretty well.
However if they had given the climax a longer time period and more tension the movie would have been much better.

Today my mother wanted to watch Australia so My mother,my sister and me went to watch the movie. The movie was sad, so sweet i loved it !Despite for some erm... SCENES.
This movie was so much better than Twilight !! It was so sad my sister and i cried a lot throughout the movie but my mum did not even shed a single tear.-.-"

Australia was filmed to win awards but Twilight was filmed more for just plain entertainment since they are changing the directors for the next film New Moon. I think new moon would be a good movie cuz the new director filmed The Golden Compass and i also loved the movie The Golden Compass .
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hi I am back from japan and china [did i mention that i went to china for two weeks? no I don't think i did ]. I went to japan for 5 days . I shared a room with my brother and sister at the royal park shiodome tower [ it is a hotel not a tower but u know ]. the food there was OMG take a look.This is the delicious appetizer. SOUP [it is really good]

Appetizer again sea urchin roll [roll as in the eggs...i think...should be...] on chawanmushi [Japanese steam egg ].

This is......i have no idea.....oh this meal is paid by my dads boss[whom i think has too much money] guess what it is on the tag box [no prizes for the correct answer though] and i remember what it is now.This is the chief pour a mountain of salt on the "things"This is the final result although it looks weird It.Is.Delicious.

This is the chief preparing the main course. I was already very full after all the food. The thick pieces of beef in the middle and a small mountain of deep fried onions [although i hate onions these deep fried ones taste pretty damn good!]
The master piece even though i was so full i could not resist chomping down the beef , there were also two small bowls of interesting sauce at the side. There was also a method on how to eat the beef.
we have 5 cubes of beef one eat it plain , second one eat with onions , third one eat with sauce no 1 ,forth one eat with sauce no 2 , last one u decide how u want to eat it. I ate the last one with onions,sauce 1 and 2 . SUPER DELICIOUS !!!

There are more pics of food if u want me to upload them i will do so during my free time.

At Tokyo my brother, my sister , mother and I visited Tokyo Disney land and we traveled there by train!!!! I visit Tokyo for the first time , i took a train for the first time [ i am a pampered kid!] ,and i visit Disney land for the first time!!
When we visited Disney land we also witnessed the 25 Disney anniversary performance .
The following day we visited gorgeous Disney sea with the wife of one of my fathers client and his daughter. Disney sea was sooo beautiful , we also witnessed the Disney sea anniversary performance , i would upload the pictures in my next post .

Every night before i sleep when the lights are off my brother would say something about seeing Japanese ghost in the middle of the the night!

i would talk about china in my next post and upload the Disney pics and talk a bit more about japan
Monday, November 24, 2008

1) People who had been tagged must re post and do this quiz on their blog and if they dislike the questions, they can remake one themselves.
2) Tag 5 people to complete this quiz and they cannot refuse.The person must state who they have been tagged by,and continue it by sending to other people.
I was tagged by serene to do this quiz
1 do you have secrets ?
2 would you fall in love with a boy younger than you ?
that is just plain disgusting
3 do you enjoy going school ?
4 what would you do with a billion dollars ?
i don't know make more .....use it to ..... i have no idea
5 will you fall in love with your best friend ?
That is also plain disgusting
6 which is more blessed , being love or loving someone ?
I think it is...... being loved
7 list out 15 favourite songs
Too bad i am lazy.. maybe next time
8 if the person you admired is attached , what will you do ?
admire does not mean love... Anyway i would just get over it
9 is there anything that has made you extremely happy ?
Play in a theme park all day !!!
10 what makes you angry ?
being left out! [same as serene]
11 how would you see yourself in 10 years time ?
a 22 yr old rich girl !!! [driving a poshe ]
12 who is currently the most important person to you ?
13 what is the most important things in life ?
having fun and enjoying life to the fullest
14 would you rather be single and rich or married but poor ?
single and rich
15 what is your fav colour ?
it keeps changing ......lime green...baby blue...bright orange...i am fine with baby pink too
16 would you gave all in to a relationship ?
17 if you fell in love with 2 person , who will you pick ?
the richer , more intelligent , better looking guy
18 would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a person has done to you ?
over my dead body
19 what do you want to tell the person you like ?
..... hi.........................................................[i have no guts to do such a thing]
20 what type of person will you fall in love with ?
rich, handsome, smart, kind hearted, open-minded......etc

Hi everyone , my blog shall return to a dead blog for quite a while because i am going on a holiday to JAPAN !!! ha ha i shall apologise for the inconvenience cause but i don't think that i have caused any inconvenience .
Yesterday i was proclaimed strawberry girl by my bored-nothing-to-do-too-much-time-on-his-hands-20-yr-old-brother , while he proclaimed my sister the evil-witch-whom-fills-people's-heart-with-doubt .
My brother took the pink strawberry massage hammer and passed it to me .
"Go strawberry girl kill that evil witch" [bro]
"Go now" [bro]
Unable to move due to laughter [me and my sister]
"i see straw berry has lost the battle against the evil witch for her heart is now filled with doubt "[bro]
"While i Mr Awesome have appeared in a smoke of awesome-ness " [bro] as he dance on the spot before saying "i shall now kill the evil witch "
"OMG !! NO ! SHUT UP ! Are you 20 or are you 2 ?", My sister shouted as she busted into laughter .
--------- The End--------
On my sister's birthday dinner my Bro proclaimed himself a hybrid of half human half AWESOME.
" You know that there was a guy who thought that i was the same race as him he asked me
'Hey are AWESOME too? ' and i said ' Yup we are all AWESOME ' " [Bro]
"omg . you are so lame ! shut up ! " [sis]
"Really" [bro]
"Normal humans have 47 chromosomes while i have 48 , because i have the extra AWESOME chromosome " [bro]
"no....what rubbish normal humans only have 24 chromosomes " [sis]
"That what you think !" [bro]
" Its true !!" [sis]
"no... that is just what you think anyway i means that i a more that just AWESOME i am FANTASTIC , EXCELLENT , MARVELLOUS and more that is why i have 48 and normal humans have 24 !" [bro]
" The more chromosomes you have the more mutated you are !"[sis] [my head was buzzing with the alien word 'chromosome' ]
"that is just what you think !" [bro]
"admit defeat i am a hybrid of half AWESOME-ness and half human" [bro]
" oh" [mum]
" that means i am pure AWESOME and your father is just human " [mum]
"eh ! where got like that one ?" [dad]
------------The end -----------
Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am so sleepy..... I want to sleep right now..... My soft pillows.......My soft bed.....I want to sleep......
This is what goes on in my mind every time my parents force me to wake up....
However.... right now I am like a hyper little bunny!
Many of you guys [more like girls because only girls read my blog...I think] are probably wondering why I finally decided to revive my blog. It is because on one fine day I was bored and had nothing to do ...I had no books to read ..I was sian of playing the same old boring computer games...I could not think of anything to do. Then I suddenly remembered my friend telling me about the comments in tag box on my 'dead ' blog so I decided to visit my blog. So I visited my blog and then I decided to change its skin update the contacts and post a new entry . However it took longer then i had expected.
-->I took half an hour to decide on the skin.
-->I took 1 hour to update the links and the suddenly the computer srcewed up and deleted all the data then i had to redo it.
--> I took 1 hour to redo everything.
-->And another half an hour to add more links.
-->And another half half hour or so reading some intersting post and tagging on some of the cute blogs.
TOTAL ---> 3 hr 30 mins [or so]

So i decided to post today instead cuz i got sleepy by the time i was done.
This is my story.

Now I shall write a short paragraph on what I did during the last few weeks . I visited my friend's house ,I invited some friends to my house, I played computer , I updated my blog , I watched TV , I played badminton , I play final fantasy vii : Advent children , I played final fantasy vii: crisis core , I read the comic strips in the news paper , I also bought the book "Breaking Dawn " yesterday , read manga online , played monster ranger 2 , etc,etc .

my story ends here buh bye
i would do the quiz in my next post

Friday, May 16, 2008

ok.... my mother is going to KILL me for my very horrble results for SA1 . My grades went doown for ENGLISH, SCIENCE and MATH, only went up for chinese Most terrble was Science i went down by more than 10 marks OMG. My "stupid' friend actually thinks get 78 for english thinks that itis bad ....Like hello??? i got 60 no plus damn bad la <6/20> for compre open-ended lol i am so loosy.
[i would be glad if u would stop smiling a my bad results ,thank you for your corperation]

the next bad news i changed my skin when my parents were out did it in a total hurry lost all my blog contacts url went back to web historys cannot find it at all...SO NOOBIE RIGHT????!!!!!

bye ppl i will updated whenever possible
Monday, March 24, 2008

I am in school at the moment, i am usually in school when i write my blog post......Yesterday day 9 am mother shouts at me to wake up ...10 am up studying after my breakfast.......11 am studying ..........12 pm studying.........
1 pm out to eat lunch ...1.30 pm after lunch went to pick up sis....2.30 pm reach home ....3 pm left home for tuition......5 pm tuition ends ...5.30 reach home ...PARENTS NAG .
What do my parents nag about? "Have you done your work? math home work ? haven't do yet right? how about your science......your Chinese and yoour English how? Tonight you sleep at mid-night i don't care. Later tmr morning dun come and tell me you sleepy i will slap you.....'"my mother will go on on and on. If I give her the chance i bet that she can nag at me for ten days straight.
I am telling you ,parents these days just dun know their limits .They are like a cat pushing a china bowl to the edge of the table and waiting to see what will happen to it when it falls off.
Man i have no idea what humans are going evolve into , probably some horrible beast , not to mention that my mum will definitely the first ,at her rate of nagging and scolding everyday .......She definitely needs a chill pill!