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FAIRYTALESGURL @blogspot.com ♥
Monday, November 24, 2008

1) People who had been tagged must re post and do this quiz on their blog and if they dislike the questions, they can remake one themselves.
2) Tag 5 people to complete this quiz and they cannot refuse.The person must state who they have been tagged by,and continue it by sending to other people.
I was tagged by serene to do this quiz
1 do you have secrets ?
2 would you fall in love with a boy younger than you ?
that is just plain disgusting
3 do you enjoy going school ?
4 what would you do with a billion dollars ?
i don't know make more .....use it to ..... i have no idea
5 will you fall in love with your best friend ?
That is also plain disgusting
6 which is more blessed , being love or loving someone ?
I think it is...... being loved
7 list out 15 favourite songs
Too bad i am lazy.. maybe next time
8 if the person you admired is attached , what will you do ?
admire does not mean love... Anyway i would just get over it
9 is there anything that has made you extremely happy ?
Play in a theme park all day !!!
10 what makes you angry ?
being left out! [same as serene]
11 how would you see yourself in 10 years time ?
a 22 yr old rich girl !!! [driving a poshe ]
12 who is currently the most important person to you ?
13 what is the most important things in life ?
having fun and enjoying life to the fullest
14 would you rather be single and rich or married but poor ?
single and rich
15 what is your fav colour ?
it keeps changing ......lime green...baby blue...bright orange...i am fine with baby pink too
16 would you gave all in to a relationship ?
17 if you fell in love with 2 person , who will you pick ?
the richer , more intelligent , better looking guy
18 would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a person has done to you ?
over my dead body
19 what do you want to tell the person you like ?
..... hi.........................................................[i have no guts to do such a thing]
20 what type of person will you fall in love with ?
rich, handsome, smart, kind hearted, open-minded......etc

Hi everyone , my blog shall return to a dead blog for quite a while because i am going on a holiday to JAPAN !!! ha ha i shall apologise for the inconvenience cause but i don't think that i have caused any inconvenience .
Yesterday i was proclaimed strawberry girl by my bored-nothing-to-do-too-much-time-on-his-hands-20-yr-old-brother , while he proclaimed my sister the evil-witch-whom-fills-people's-heart-with-doubt .
My brother took the pink strawberry massage hammer and passed it to me .
"Go strawberry girl kill that evil witch" [bro]
"Go now" [bro]
Unable to move due to laughter [me and my sister]
"i see straw berry has lost the battle against the evil witch for her heart is now filled with doubt "[bro]
"While i Mr Awesome have appeared in a smoke of awesome-ness " [bro] as he dance on the spot before saying "i shall now kill the evil witch "
"OMG !! NO ! SHUT UP ! Are you 20 or are you 2 ?", My sister shouted as she busted into laughter .
--------- The End--------
On my sister's birthday dinner my Bro proclaimed himself a hybrid of half human half AWESOME.
" You know that there was a guy who thought that i was the same race as him he asked me
'Hey are AWESOME too? ' and i said ' Yup we are all AWESOME ' " [Bro]
"omg . you are so lame ! shut up ! " [sis]
"Really" [bro]
"Normal humans have 47 chromosomes while i have 48 , because i have the extra AWESOME chromosome " [bro]
"no....what rubbish normal humans only have 24 chromosomes " [sis]
"That what you think !" [bro]
" Its true !!" [sis]
"no... that is just what you think anyway i means that i a more that just AWESOME i am FANTASTIC , EXCELLENT , MARVELLOUS and more that is why i have 48 and normal humans have 24 !" [bro]
" The more chromosomes you have the more mutated you are !"[sis] [my head was buzzing with the alien word 'chromosome' ]
"that is just what you think !" [bro]
"admit defeat i am a hybrid of half AWESOME-ness and half human" [bro]
" oh" [mum]
" that means i am pure AWESOME and your father is just human " [mum]
"eh ! where got like that one ?" [dad]
------------The end -----------
Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am so sleepy..... I want to sleep right now..... My soft pillows.......My soft bed.....I want to sleep......
This is what goes on in my mind every time my parents force me to wake up....
However.... right now I am like a hyper little bunny!
Many of you guys [more like girls because only girls read my blog...I think] are probably wondering why I finally decided to revive my blog. It is because on one fine day I was bored and had nothing to do ...I had no books to read ..I was sian of playing the same old boring computer games...I could not think of anything to do. Then I suddenly remembered my friend telling me about the comments in tag box on my 'dead ' blog so I decided to visit my blog. So I visited my blog and then I decided to change its skin update the contacts and post a new entry . However it took longer then i had expected.
-->I took half an hour to decide on the skin.
-->I took 1 hour to update the links and the suddenly the computer srcewed up and deleted all the data then i had to redo it.
--> I took 1 hour to redo everything.
-->And another half an hour to add more links.
-->And another half half hour or so reading some intersting post and tagging on some of the cute blogs.
TOTAL ---> 3 hr 30 mins [or so]

So i decided to post today instead cuz i got sleepy by the time i was done.
This is my story.

Now I shall write a short paragraph on what I did during the last few weeks . I visited my friend's house ,I invited some friends to my house, I played computer , I updated my blog , I watched TV , I played badminton , I play final fantasy vii : Advent children , I played final fantasy vii: crisis core , I read the comic strips in the news paper , I also bought the book "Breaking Dawn " yesterday , read manga online , played monster ranger 2 , etc,etc .

my story ends here buh bye
i would do the quiz in my next post